
Showing posts from October, 2019


In order to be utilised for specific function the absorb and product for the nutrients from the food we eat for the undergo chemical changes. they are other further broken down to release energy or are used to form more complex substances. these substances can then be used to manufacture more complex substances or can be stored in the body. There are certain terms to refer to this process:- METABOLISM:- metabolism is a general terms refer to the chemical changes that take place in the cells after the end product of digestion are observed. it is of two types breakdown of complex substances into simple ones and manufacture of complex substances for simple ones. ANABOLISM :- is the term used to refer to all the chemical reactions by which simple substances are used to manufacture more complicated once and catabolism include all the chemical reaction by which complex substances are for the broken down to simple components.


Vital statistics are express as a Vital rates. Vitthal rates are relative frequency of Vittal occurrences that affect changes in the size and composition of a population. when the vital statistics of fertility more will tell t r express as number of people with a state of illness on number of events in relation to total population at risk having certain similar characteristic like is sex reason is termed as Vital rates. aur do India was more or less similar in development respect with many Asian countries with statistics very among these countries. it might be due to differential progress achieved by Asian countries through differential offences given to one or the other purity areas of development in the recent past. for instance certain Asian countries and reason have given highest priority for education health family planning and infrastructure development. WhatsApp and other Asian countries have given highest importance to industrialisation and agriculture development negl...


Vital static are government database that record the birth and death of individual within the government jurisdiction. these are statics on life worth that circle that's marriages and divorces. The most common way of collecting information on this event is true civil registration and administrative system used by government to record with events which occurs in their population. effort to improve the quality of vital statistics will therefore be closely related to the development of civil registration system in countries. Its role in public health as a fellows:- Vital statistics have to monitor the overall social economic development of the community country. help the government policy and programme planning to plan for health services for reaching the general population and improving health related social economic condition. they have to compare the health and nutritional status of people of two communities countries and also the same community country over a p...


During pregnancy women gain weight. The gain in weight is to the :- Growing foetus Increasing the size of the uterus Development of the placenta Increasing in the breast size Increasing in blood and total body fluids Deposition of fat in the body First trimester 0- 3 months  Second trimester 3 to 6 month Third trimester 6th to 9th months There there is progressive gain in weight during this three trimesters. Is however observed that the maximum gain occurs only during the second and third trimester. this is because maximum growth of the foetus as well as the maternal tissue takes place only during the period 4th month onwards. the gain in weight during the first three months is have unlimited as the foetus is very small. Progressive gain weight indicates that the foetus and the mother's tissue are growing normally. again in weight of less than 8 kg is indicator of the poor health of the foetus as well as the wom...


Women who are pregnant or using synthetic progesteronet birth control injection have a conspicuous vulnerability to certain infection including malaria listeria, Hiv,and herpes simplex virus.  New research report appearing in the March 2013 issue of the jounal of leukocyte receptor of pregnancy hormones sensor targets are part of the human system responsible to protection against these of other in vaders.  In addition to helping explain why some women are more vulnerable to certain infection it also sheds light on why some autoimmune diseases notably rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis, often go into remission during pregnancy.


True protein can be broken down in the body to meet the energy need this is not their chief function. inception amount of carbohydrate forces the body to break down protein for releasing energy instead of using them for growth and development. carbohydrate if taken inception amount to make the energy need of the body spear proteins for their important basic role in the body supporting growth and bodybuilding. this act of sparing protein for order function is term as protein sparing action of carbohydrates.


It is a protein essential for blood clotting. Vitamin k anti aging vitamin help in formation of prothrombin.


Unsaturated fatty acid:- In unsaturated fatty acid or unsaturated fats double bond form between unsaturated carbon. this healthy fatty acid include monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats which are usually liquid at room temperature. Unsaturated fats help lower blood cholesterol. when unsaturated fats replace unsaturated fat in the diet the formals stimulate the liver to clear cholesterol from the blood.


Food accessory include those edible materials that are used to improve the flavour and preference of food. spices and half salt vinegar terminate live flavouring extract like Vanilla Orange strawberry essence and all colouring matter come in this class of food items. They are also referred to as food adjuncts. SPICES:- the term spices and condiments applies to such mineral plants or vegetables product or mixture the involve or ground form as are used for important flavour Aroma and piquant to and for seasoning of foods.  The common ones are floating ajwain cloves nutmeg mustard cinnamon cardamom pepper red chilli coriander turmeric Ginger coming Fenugreek seed fennel seed etc. HERBS:- Hearbs are those plants vase leaves stems and seed have colinary and   medical value.  Herbs are soul of flavour. mint leaves coriander leaves curry leaves and Soya leaves are herbs most commonly used in Indian cooking. SALT:-. Salt is an indispensable food accesso...


Minerals are minute amount of metallic elements that are brittle for the healthy growth of teeth and bones. They help  in such cellular activity as enzyme action muscle contraction reaction and blood clotting. calcium Phosphorus sodium potassium chloride and magnesium are the minerals required in large amount by the body. this set of minerals constituent more than three fourth of the total minerals content of the body. 1) CALCIUM AND PHOSPHORUS:- we discuss calcium and phosphorus together because they work in co-ordination with each other. Of all the minerals found in our body calcium and phosphorus are by far present in the largest amount. the human body contains approximately 1200 gram of calcium most of which is present in bones and teeth and the remaining in soft tissue and in the body fluids. on the other hand only 400 to 700 gram of phosphorus is contained in the body. Like calcium most of it is also present in bones and teeth and the remaining in soft tissue and ...