Fluorosis is a disease caused by consumption of too much amount of the minerals chlorine for long periods.

chlorine is essential for the development of maintenance of normal bones and teeth. Hyva if it is consumed in extreme amount is leads to flurosis.


The main source of fluoride is in India is drinking water. Drinking water should contain less than 1 milligram per litre of fluoride. In area where chlorosis is common the fluoride content of water is higher as 3to2 12 mg per litre.


Fulrosis is manifested as changes in teeth and the bones. Another word the clinical manifestation will be seen in teeth and bones.


in children living in areas where flurosis is common the disease affect only the teeth. teeth lose their shine and choki white patches appear on them known as mottling of teeth. Mottling is considered as an early sign of flurosis. Later this white patches become yellow. in civil cases of fluorosis the hard listining substances covering the crown of the teeth get and around ultimate leading to discussion on the teeth known as pitting. mottled enamel is best seen on the upper cutting teeth known as in incisors.


In older individual floor of his least two changes in the bones because of consumption of excess of fluoride for long periods.
Initially the individual will have pain in the neck and stiffness of the back. This progressive will leads to difficulty in the movement of the neck and back.


Fluorosis can be prevented but cannot be cured. The best method to prevent fluorosis is to consume water which has less than 1 milligram per litre of fluoride.


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