Physiological changes in a women during pregnancy

Changes in body organs: Along with the development of the placenta, the many changes take place in the body organs.

  • The uterus and its supporting muscles increases in size to accommodates the growing foetus and 
  • The breast grows in size and prepares to produce milk.                                                                  
Changes in the body fluids: There is gradually increase in the total fluids (extracellular and intracellular fluids) content of the body.Blood, (the major portion of the extracellular fluids of the body) increase in volume. The increases in blood volume is as much as 50 percent .This is to facilitates the supply of nutrition to the frotus and to the newly built tissues in the mothers body. However , due to the increases in blood volumes, the concentration of hemoglobin (hb) and other constituent of blood reduces.The normal Hb level of mg/100ml of during pregnancy. This is a normal Physiological changes.


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