Minerals are minute amount of metallic elements that are brittle for the healthy growth of teeth and bones.

They help  in such cellular activity as enzyme action muscle contraction reaction and blood clotting. calcium Phosphorus sodium potassium chloride and magnesium are the minerals required in large amount by the body. this set of minerals constituent more than three fourth of the total minerals content of the body.

we discuss calcium and phosphorus together because they work in co-ordination with each other.

Of all the minerals found in our body calcium and phosphorus are by far present in the largest amount. the human body contains approximately 1200 gram of calcium most of which is present in bones and teeth and the remaining in soft tissue and in the body fluids. on the other hand only 400 to 700 gram of phosphorus is contained in the body. Like calcium most of it is also present in bones and teeth and the remaining in soft tissue and body fluids.


calcium and phosphorus basically to spawn tenth functions in the body one relating to development of bones and teeth and other to the regulation of body process.

Regulation the contraction and relaxation of muscles specially that of the heart.

1).Rthe passage of substances it to and out of the cell.

2)Conveying messages from one services to other and the clotting of blood


Formation of a substances which aids in transport of fat in the blood.

1)Synthesis of certain coenzymes which play a crucial role in metabolism.

2)Formation of curtain basis genetic material. this genetic material is involved in passing on of specific characteristics from parents to children.

3)capture and storage of betel energy in the cell of many tissue by forming a high-energy compound. muscle tissue is a prominent example where Phosphorus help in energy storage and does fuels muscles contraction.

Milk and milk product like card khova chana are excellent sources of calcium. Food like fish specially dry fish and other sea foods same provide substantial quantity of calcium.

among the plant sources ragi Bengal gram black gram green gram moth beans rajma soybean contribute substantial amount of calcium.
green leafy vegetable like Amarnath leaves kholo Kaushal is funga fenugreek leaves mustard leaf also contain good amounts. Among nodes and oilseed gingelly oil shield is party ko latest in calcium.

An adult body contains approximately 120 gram of sodium. Most of these present in the extracellular fluid.

extracellular fluid refers to the fluid outside the cell just as intracellular fuel refer to fluid inside the cell. One example of extracellular fluid is blood plasma.

regulate the balance of extracellular and intracellular fluid sodium the principal mineral in extracellular fluid is responsible for maintaining the fluid balance.

sodium along with potassium help to maintain this balance.
Regulate the alkalinity and acidity of the body fluid sodium combines with chloride in the flute and together they help maintain the balance between the alkalinity and acidity of the body fluids.

Aides Hindi passage of message from one cell to another.
The concentration of muscle and regulate the passage of substances into and out of the cell.

Common table salt is a principal sources of sodium in our diet. One teaspoon of salt provide almost 2000 MG sodium.
 Father rich sources of sodium include male egg white made pottery fish among the animal food and green leafy vegetables and pulses among the plant sources.

potassium is a minerals elements found in combination with other elements in the body.
The adult human body contain about 250 gram of potassium.

Potassium regulate the pH acid base balance of the cell contents.
It regulate the osmotic pressure of the cell content.
It play an important role in the coordination and nerve impulses. It is essential for normal excitability of muscles specially cardiac muscle.

It is essential for synthesis of glycogen.

Potassium is widely distributed in foods. Meat poultry and fish are good sources of potassium.

A plants for pulses fruits vegetables specially the green leafy vegetables are good sources of potassium. among the other fruits and vegetables banana potatoes carrot tomatoes and lemon contain appreciable amount of this minerals.

the body contains approximately 100 gram of chloride and most of these is found in the extracellular fluid especially in blood plasma.

 The rest of the chloride is present inside the cell. chloride is present in extracellular fluid as sodium chloride and in the cell as potassium chloride.

The function of sodium potassium and chloride as closely interlinked.

Chloride help regulate fluid balance and acidity alkalinity of body fluid.

Chloride is widely distributed in all plants food.

 But the most important sources of chloride in our diet is common table salt sodium chloride.

magnesium is a white essential minerals which is a constituent of bones and in present in all the living cells of the body especially in bones and teeth.

It is found in bones and teeth in combination with phosphate. It is also found in extracellular fluid. human body contains about 25 gram of magnesium of which about half is found in this skeleton and about one fifth in the soft tissue and the rest in teeth etc.

Magnesium is essential for all the living cells. magnesium along with calcium sodium and potassium is needed for the transmission of nervous in pulses and the consequent muscle contraction.

 It is essential for the normal metabolism of calcium and potassium. it is essential for proper functioning specially of the brain spinal cord and all the nervous.

It is involved in protein synthesis.

magnesium is found in serials green vegetables fruits and animals food as milk cheese and eggs etc.
 Banana is the richest sources of magnesium.


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