Personal health behaviour is the ultimate arbiter of food choice. how were the stores will be limited by a number of factor which operate at different stages during the choice process.

 An attempt has been made to conduct a hierarchy of determinants of food behaviour.
Doors near the bottom of the order like personal and physiological are more at the function of individual circumstances while those near the top such as availability economics and susceptibility reflected by the societal influence and are often beyond the control of the individual which are follows:-

The fundamental limitation on food choice is simply availability. This may be seen in terms of both cultural and physical factors.

The range of food available to a human population is governed by culture acceptability. climate has been one of the major determinants of food availability. there are essential rice grown areas in South India and similarly wheat grown areas in North India. Seasonal variation in food availability also affect food choice. all of us as working women who experience work pressure and hence do not find is convenient to go to the market to buy the food through we can afford. This is also effect food availability at home. does the availability of food to an individual is the result of various physical factors.

culture has a value system which determine what people in that culture regarded as fit for human consumption and what can be eaten by whom. food habit are not inherited they are learnt from parents relatives and friends. For example many people we went through they are vegetarian don't to mind sharing food with non vegetarian. vegetarian would not consume meat and meat products where as non vegetarian eat meat and meat products. The sculpture restrict the availability of certain food to the certain segment of population. infant and is continued as long as two years or till the end of the second trimester of subsequent pregnancy. colostrum for the yellow liquid from the breast in the first 24 to 48 hours after this delivery is given to the infant in some families and rejected in others families because it is considered equivalent to pus and blood.

At a girl is given only sweet food with restriction of salt in the diet. Diet consist of jaggery fat and copra and sesame oil mix with raw eggs and give strength for her back.

main requirement products and cold food like sisters ground green leafy vegetables and ragi are withheld since they are supposed to causes various illnesses. Eating the the plane of a goat is supposed to supress secondary sexual characteristics like moutaces in boy and development of breast in girls.

food like depalpur of the date consumed during the rainy season and drink like toddy and Iraq are believed to increase the potentially in adolescent boys.


This concept is quite female to all of us. this does not seem to be related other to the seasonal availability on the spice Ness of the food but to be interesting quality present in the food itself..

 food rich in protein and calories like as chicken dogs and ducks roti red gram Bengal gram and horse gram does and fruits like papaya mango and to word like colocasia are included in the heat producing or hot food. all the foods and vegetables with a high moisture content like members of the citrus and my family is ground family is green leafy vegetables and food is with buttermilk or curd seems to be rise as a cold food.


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