Vital statistics are express as a Vital rates. Vitthal rates are relative frequency of Vittal occurrences that affect changes in the size and composition of a population.

when the vital statistics of fertility more will tell t r express as number of people with a state of illness on number of events in relation to total population at risk having certain similar characteristic like is sex reason is termed as Vital rates.

aur do India was more or less similar in development respect with many Asian countries with statistics very among these countries. it might be due to differential progress achieved by Asian countries through differential offences given to one or the other purity areas of development in the recent past. for instance certain Asian countries and reason have given highest priority for education health family planning and infrastructure development. WhatsApp and other Asian countries have given highest importance to industrialisation and agriculture development neglecting social development.

This contact China Thailand South Korea Malaysia and Sri Lanka have made good progress in planning and infra structure. consequently they attend rapid urbanization and improvement in quality of life of the population. on the other hand the Government of India gave highest priority for industrialisation and agriculture neglecting the social development. wild many of progressive Asian countries rapidly brought down their mortality and morbidity rates India is lagging behind very much.


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