Q1:( A) Define following terms:

1) Standardizing
And:- standardizing is the process of developing and implementing technical standards.

2) Atherosclerosis
Ans:- atherosclerosis is a condition where the arteries become narrowed and hardened due to an excessive build up of plaque around the arteries wall. daddy's disturb the flow of blood around the body posing serious cardivascular complications.

3) Nutritional status

Ans:- it is the condition of the health of an individual as influenced by the utilisation of nutrients. to determine nutritional status some information needed are type of diet consume type of illness level of nutrients and other substances in blood and urine.
nutritional status is a measurement of how will be nutrient in our diet are meeting the physiological needs of our body. healthcare professionals like registered dietitians nurses and physician are trained to review the assessment different parameters to assess person nutritional status. they do this through the use of medical test and other tools that provide dietary information.

4) Growth faltering
Ans:- growth faltering can occurs during childhood. It is defined as a growth rate below that appropriate for a child age and sex. It can affect height weight and head circumference is with values being lower than expected.

5) Goitrogens
Ans:- Goitrogens are substances that suppress the function of the thyroid glands by interfering with iodine uptake which can as a result of cause and largement of the thyroid a goitre.

b) Matching:-
1)Physiological function=Amylase
2) carbohydrate digestion=energy giving
3) Triglycerides=fat and oils
4) essential amino acid= Lysine
5) iodine= thyroxine
6) wheat protein=gluten
7) food accessories= herb
8) adulterant= lathyrus sativus
9) diet survey=24 hours recalls
10) ICDS=Anganwadi worker

Q2) explain the following verify:

a) process of digestion and absorption of food

Ans:- Proceeds of digestion: digestion take place step by step at a various sites in the digestive tract. the process of digestion begins in the mouth where food is chewed by the teeth and mix with saliva. the GT road food mix with saliva then passes into the stomach through the sub tube like structure called the Oshophagus. hair it gets mix with the digestive juice present in the stomach called gastric juice.  Mixing of food with the gastric juice convert the food into a thin soup like consistency. The next hop in the digestive tract is the small intestine. 10 small instant I'm not only contains instant energy juice which is secreted from the small intestine is cell but also secreted from the liver while and pancreas pancreatic juice. the food which is not absorbed in the small intestine along with a large amount of water passes on the large instantine. Excess water is absorbed and the remaining water and solid matter are eliminated from the body as a faeces.

Absorption of food:

Ans).the end product of digestion of the nutrients present in a small instant time can be absorbed by the body only when they enter the bloodstream. this process of moment of digestive food on nutrients across the instant inner wall to the bloodstream is termed absorption of food. the wall of the small intestine is made up of numerous for finger like projection known as villi. Most of the nutrients are absorbed from the upper part of the small intestine.

b) Role of carbohydrate and water in the body.
Ans:-) function of carbohydrate are:
1) energy giving function:-

the chief function of carbohydrate is to furnish energy for the working of the body. 1 gram of carbohydrate gives 4 kilo calories of energy. Carbohydrate foods are widely distributed in nature and are the cheapest sources of energy. Carbohydrate provides about 60 to 70% of total calories in our diets.

2) protein sparing action:-
through proteins can be broken down in the body to meet the energy needs this is not their chief functions. insufficient amount of carbohydrates for forces the body to break down proteins for releasing energy instead of using them for growth and development. carbohydrate if taken in sufficient amount to meet the body energy of the body spares protein for their important basic role in the body that is supporting growth and bodybuilding. this act of sparing protein for other function is term as protein sparing action of carbohydrates.

3)  Utilisation of fat:-)
Some amount of carbohydrate is necessary for utilising of fats. presence of carbohydrate in diet prevent the body from breaking down too much of fat for energy. in case of deficiency of carbohydrate in the diet more fat will be broken down to meet the energy requirement of the body this is harmful. the reason is that excessive fat breakdown can result in accumulation of by product of fat metabolism. This accumulation causes a problem and can affect health.

Role of water:-)

Water is a major components of our body. It make up approximately 60% of the total weight of the adult and almost 75% in the case of infant. IT services as a major and essential components of all cells and tissues through the amount of water present in different body tissue varies.
water is the medium of all body fuels including blood saliva digestive green faces sweet and perspiration.
water play an important role in the regulation of the body temperature. Under normal circumstances body temperature is maintained at 98.4 Fahrenheit or 37 degree Celsius. Heat is produced in the body by the burning of carbohydrate fat and proteins. Water helps to distribute this heat throughout the body. Some amount of water is lost from the body by evaporation and cools it down. This is because the water uses the body heat to evaporate. Does extra heat from the body is lost and body temperature is maintained.
Water is a universal solvent. This means it dissolve a variety of substances including all the product of digestion and carries them to various part of the body by blood. Similarly it helps in the removal of the waste products from the body. this property of water makes it essential for all chemical reaction taking place in the body.
Water bathes the body cells and keep the moist. Hence it act as a lubricant. Water present in saliva and other digestive juices help in the process of food down the digestive tract. It is also and important lubricant for the joints.

c) Factor influencing the absorption of calcium and iron in our body
Ans:-) factors that influence iron absorption,:
Inhibitors:- certain substances present in plants food bites iron and hinder its absorption. These substances are called inhabitors. plant foods such as green leafy vegetable and cerials contain fairly substantial amount of iron. unfortunately they also contain inhabitor which prevent must of the iron from being observed.

there are substances like protein and vitamin C present in food that aid in the absorption of iron these substances can be called enhancers. it is therefore suggest that protein rich foods like milk and vitamin C rich foods like orange lime Amla and guava should be included in the diet show as the promote the absorption of iron. the inclusion of animal foods if possible in the dietary greatly enhances iron absorption.

Factor that influence calcium absorption:-)
1)  body need:) the efficiency of absorption of calcium increase during period of rapid growth that is infancy childhood pregnancy lactation. when the body demand for calcium increase the absorption of calcium also increased to made this increased demand.

2) nutrients in the diet:) certain nutrients like vitamin d protein and carbohydrate present in the diet helps to improve absorption of calcium. Another nutrients that influence calcium absorption is phosphorus. In fact the proportion of calcium and phosphorus in the diet affect the calcium absorption. Excess Phosphorus tance to lower calcium absorption.

3) inhibitors:
Inhibitors are substances present in food which hinders calcium absorption. Cerials and green leafy vegetables are rich in calcium. But all the calcium present in this food is not available to the body. this is because this food items have some substances such as phytates is serials and oxalate in green leafy vegetables present in them which bind calcium and inhibit its absorption.

d) Use of three food group in planning balance diet
Ans:-) A food group quotes simply consists of a number of food items sharing common characteristics. Depending on the main of classification is use the common characteristics maybe
1) the source
2) the physiological function performed

1) the simplest and most obvious classification is based on the inter relatedness of certain food items in terms or similar sources. The following categories are commonly identified even by a lay person

  • Cereals and millets
  • Sugar and jaggery
  • Fat and oils
  • Pulses
  • Nurse and oilseeds
  • Milk and milk products
  • Eggs
  • Flash food such a fish meat pottery
  • Green leafy vegetables
  • Other vegetables
  • Fruits
  • Condiments and spices
Cerealsmillets sugar and fat are sources of carbohydrates and fats milk nuts   flash eggs  are sources of proteins and vegetables are fruits provide minerals and vitamins. 

2) classification of food based on function
Body builders:
The food substances such which involve in buildings of the body. proteins minerals salt and water are the substances which are referred to as bodybuilders because they are the only substances which enters in the composition of the body. 
The group including:
  • Milk and milk product
  • Meat and meat products
  • Fish
  • Eggs
  • Pulses
  • Nuts and oilseeds
Energy producers:-
the food substances which yields certain amount of energy which is necessary for the performance of various beetle activities of the body. carbohydrate and fats are the substances referred to as energy producers.
  • Carbohydrate food
  • Cereals
  • Foods and tubers
  • Sugar
  • Jaggery
  • Fats and oils
mineral salt and vitamins are capable of regulating and coordinating the different function of the body. They are called regulator's or regulating substances. 
1) fruits

  • Yellow and orange fruit
  • Citrus fruit
  • Others plum and bananas

  • Green leafy vegetable example Spanish fenugreek mustard
  • Yellow and orange vegetables carrot pumpkin
  • others example lady finger brinjal cauliflower cabbage.
Q3) why do we need to plan meals? Verify discuss the point you would keep in mind while planning meals.
Ans:) simple email planning is making a plan of male with adequate nutrition for every member of the family within the available resources. the term available resources mean whatever the family has in term of time energy and money. 
meal planning can be defined as a simple practical exercise which involves applying the knowledge of food nutrient requirement and individual preferences to plan adequate and acceptable meals. in other towns meal planning means planning for adequate nutrition.

meal planning is just not an exercise of selecting the right kind of food to help me tree the nutrients nerds. IIT also concern with preparing planning attractive and enjoyable meal for all persons. Neel must taste good smell good. because the food is seen before it is test the eyes have a role as well as in food acceptance. MS must look good to be test to be enjoyed. to do this the planet does not have to be knowledgeable only but also in imaginative and creative. the art of skillful blending of food in terms of colour texture and flavour must be known. Meal planning is an art which developed through. meals planning in fact is a skill which improve which practice.

The main aim in planning means are to:
  • fulfill the nutritional need of the family members taking into account the family size and composition
  • plan means within the family income that is make maximum use of money available in the best possible way
  • Do proper purchase preparation and service of food
  • Economics on time labour and fuel
  • provide variety in the diet by making proper selection of foods from each of the three food groups
  • Max mil appealing and pat available by proper selection of food in terms of colour texture and flavour
  • Provide nutritious mail taking into account individual preferences.
  • plan means in advance so that any pre preparation required can be made and also the leftovers for from the previous meals can be economically utilise.
Importance off Meal planning:

meal planning is important for meeting the nutritional requirement for the family members. It help us to decide what to eat each day and in each meal. 
Meal planning help us to
  1. Fulfill the nutrition requirement of the family members
  2. Make the food economical
  3. Catar to the food preferences of individual members
  4. Save energy time and money
  5. Use leftover food
1) Nutrition adequacy;-

the nutritional requirement of the individual to be serve as an important consideration in meal planning. this point is particularly important when we were planning for a family. in a family as you know there might be different individual a child and adolescent and adult and a pregnant woman or an adult elderly person. each of these basic am while planning means should be to fulfill the nutrients need of each individual. this can be an sure by planning balance meals according to the recommended dietary intake for different individuals.

2) Plan balanced meal: 

including food items from each of the three food groups namely energy giving food bodybuilding and protective food in each meal can ensure balanced diet.

3) Economic consideration:-

money available to the family to be spent on food is another major factor. Food like milk cheese meat fruits nuts etc are expensive. hi alternative sources like toned milk seasonal fruits and vegetables are less costly and at the same time nutritious.

4) Food acceptance:-

individual like and dislike religious taboos show show economic cultural practices are some of the factor that influence and individual acceptance or rejection of certain foods. while planning one should take into consideration all these aspects and accordingly slapped the foods.

Food availability:-

the availability of certain food items in a particular region influence meal planning. For instant in the coastal region fish and other seafood are easily available and cheap. this food form an essential part of the diet of people residing in the coastal region. Similarly rice is a common stepper growth in south. hence it should and usually does form the major in glands in the males planned for the southin household. The availability of food according to seasonal variation is also be considered. This is especially true for fruits and vegetables. knowledge of fruit and vegetables and their season of availability would help us to include them in the mail when they are at the peak quality and at an affordable price.

6) Meal frequently and Meal pattern:-

Indifferent household the number of males consume in a day very. in some household only two to three meals daily are taken wears in other as many of 5 to 6 meals may be eaten in a day. The timing of these meals may also very. The income activity pattern physiological state and age of the individual influence male patterns. 

7) Economise on time:-
One of the basic aim of mail planning is to   ecomise time labour and fuel. this point is particularly important for the families where the woman is working or where income is limited.

8) variety in means;-

one should definitely not like to eat the same kind of food everyday. that's why while planning means one should include variety of food in the meals. ab mix diet consisting of food from the three food groups would help ensure nutrition adequacy. father wearing the choice of food items selected from each of the food group from day to day would help to avoid monotony in the diet. a suitable combination of food in terms of colour texture flavour and wearing the method of cooking would help make meals look more appealing and attractive. 

Satiety value; 
bicep we can clean milk should leave hunger and give a feeling of certification and fullness. Fat and protein rich food have high value as compared to carbohydrate rich food. handsome amount of fat and protein food must be included in each meal so as to provide adequate satiety value and prevent to person from feeling hunger before it is time for the next meal.


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