Vitamins of the b complex group and vitamins C are known as water soluble vitamins to their solubility in water. unlike the fat soluble vitamins this between cannot be stored in our body in considerable amounts. The excess amount of these vitamins is instead extracted from the body in the urine.


Vitamins of the B complex group include b1 and b2 folic acid and vitamin b12. They usually occur together in foods. the B vitamins act as coenzymes and help in the metabolism of carbohydrates protein and fats.

thymine is found in plants for such as whole grain cereals and wall pulses and in animal food like lean made for tree and egg yolk. It plays an important role in the metabolism of carbohydrates.

Thymine form a part of specific coenzyme involved in carbohydrate metabolism. the main function of these coenzyme is it role in the burning for oxidation of glucose to produce energy.


Riboflavin is widely distributed in plants and animals food. Milk liver kidney and green leafy vegetables are good sources of riboflavin. Wall grain cereals and pulses contain fair amounts. On refining there is some loss in the vitamin. hybris sprouting and fermentation of wall grain cereals and pulses can make easily increase their content of rivoflavin and other B vitamins.
Riboflavin work with other B vitamins. It plays an important role in metabolism of carbohydrates fat and protein. it is important for body growth and red blood cell production and help in releasing energy from carbohydrates.

Niacin is another member of B complex family. The good sources of niacin in include made fees pottery cereals pulses nuts and oilseeds. one interesting.

 About Niacin is that it can also be formed in the body for from an amino acid called tryptophan. the tryptophan present in milk protein can be converted niacin in the body. Does milk provide appreciable amount of niacin.
Niacin is also part of coenzymes which helps to release energy from the end products of the digestion of carbohydrates fats and proteins. It does help in their metabolism.

Folic acid is widely distributed in foods. green leafy vegetables and organ meat are very rich sources of folic acid.

wall grains cereals pulses eggs and dairy production also good sources of folic acid.
after absorption folic acid is taken to various body t-shirt through the bloodstream of specific function. Normal is amount of folic acid is stored in the body. The principal storage organ is the liver. under normal circumstances the body stored of folic acid are sufficient to meet the requirement of the body for several months even if no folic acid is available through the diet.

folic acid play an important role in blood formation and promotes normal digestion. folic acid is important for the proper development of red blood cells.

vitamin B12 is found in liver kidney yoga dairy product fish clams Australia nonfat dairy milk Salman and sardines.

 it is synthesized in our body in the internal track by certain helpful bacteria. vitamin B12 can only be absorbed in presence of integration 1 factor which is secreted by cells of the stomach.
it helps in proper functioning of digestive track nervous system and bone marrow and also information of normal red blood cell.

vitamin C or ascorbic acid is also termed as the fresh food between because fresh food and vegetables are its major sources.

 fresh citrus fruits like orange lime and lemon and other fruits and vegetable like guava Amla papaya green leafy vegetables tomatoes green chillies and capsicum are some of the excellent sources of vitamin C.


  • Wound healing:- vitamin C plays an important role in the formation of a special kind of protein called collagen. The formation of collagen at the site of wound or injury in healing. this protein is found in the connective tissue which hold together different other tissues much like cement holds bricks together. 

  • college and present in blood vessels make them firm. deficiency of vitamin C in the diet may result in fragile blood vessels which can easily rupture.

  • DEALING WITH STRESS:- ascorbic acid play an important role in the release of two hormones epinephrine and norepinephrine from the adrenal glands of the body. these hormones helps the body to deal with stress ful situations like day to day tension stress and infection and injury. 

  • ABSORPTION OF IRON:- iron is essential components of red blood cell. Vitamin C adds absorption of iron by converting into a most most suitable form for absorption 
  • PROTECTING CERTAIN SUBSTANCES FROM DESTRUCTION:- life between vitamin C protect certain substances example between a and unsaturated fatty acid from being destroyed.


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