DNHE paper 1 :nutrition for community (part 2)

Question.1):- Briefly describe the physiological changes during aging and discuss how they impact on the nutritional needs and diet planning of the elderly?

Ans:-Aging is associated with many changes:-

  • There is a marked reduction in the number of functioning kidney cells. This affects kidney functioning. as a result the body wastage are not effectively removed from the body.
  • the number of taste buds present in the mouth decreases which reduce the sensitivity to test.
  • there may also be a reduction in the amount of saliva secreted does making swallowing somewhat difficult. Then the problem of loose teeth which makes chewing difficult.

  • father there is a decrease in the amount of acid and other digestive juices secreted by the digestive track as a result the food is not digested and absorbed properly. the food stays in the stomach for a longer time because of which a feeling of a fulfillness and heaviness is commonly experienced. the muscles of the digestive tract also become weak and the movement of food in the track slows down. Constipation commonly sets in.
  • skeletal bond losses occurs with aging and may have serious consequences among the elderly. With aging there is some thining of bone tissue due to the loss of these minerals. Osteoporosis develops. osteoporosis is a condition when the bones become weak and brittle.
Theimpact on the nutritional need you to physiological changes during aging and diet planning are:
  • the energy requirement decreases but the requirement for the other nutrients namely protein and b vitamins remain the same as that of younger adult. this is so because these nutrients are required to compensate for wear and tear and for excessive breakdown of tissue common in old age. One minerals that need emphasis and possible increase in calcium. if calcium intake is increased during old is it helps to prevent calcium loss and development of osteoporosis.
  • For losing teeth exchange in texture and method of preparation of food is recommended. show only short well cooked maths aur finally cut food should be included in the diet. All hard foods with skin or seeds should be avoided unless they can be sorted by matching for grating. chapati soft in dal and soft well cooked match or finally cut food should be served.
  • For  campere test sensitivity it is advisable that the means of the age should be made more attractive and appealing by including a variety of food and colour combinations so as to encourage motivate the elderly person to eat. any strongly flavoured foods or foods with a strong smell or totally bland food should be avoided.
  • particular attention has to be given for including protective foods in a in the diet of the elderly person since these food are frequently over or omitted.
  • small meals at frequent intervals should be given so as to help in the digestion process. Any fried of fatty food for highly concentrated food like sweet should be avoided. 
  • To overcome constipation include plenty of fibre rich food water and fluid in the diet. Fluid in the form of buttermilk juice tissue and other beverages can be given in addition to water. An intake of 6 to 8 glasses of water a day is recommended.
Question 2:-) what are the special consideration you would keep in mind while planning meal for preschool children?

Ans:- The diet of the preschool child must include at least one food items from each of the three major food groups namely energy giving bodybuilding and protective regulatory. devda need for energy protein calcium iron and vitamin is considerable during the preschool age. hence include more of energy rich foods specially cereals protein rich foods such as pulses meet eggs calcium rich food particle in milk and milk product and iron rich foods such as meat pulses and green leafy vegetable in the diet.

Too long or too short an interval between successive mail should be avoided. Small frequent meals need to be given. a preschool child would benefit from three small meals pulp plus two to three snacks in between meals per day. At least 2 to 3 milk fields should be given. in addition food of high protein and energy content should be given four to five times a day.

Any snacks food preparation based on common locally available cereals and pulses can be prepared. The snake should provide on an average 300 to 400 kilo calories.

Mail time for children should be relaxing and enjoyable. Children learn to enjoy food when they are allowed to feed themselves. it is easier for the child to feed on his own if food is cut into bite-size pieces then can be readly handed and lifted to the mouth. Children like food that can be eaten with the fingers. 

When introducing new foods to the child offer one at a time. Give only small amount at first. Children of preschool is develop very strong like and dislike for certain foods. They might a bird eating one or more essential foods. For example green leafy vegetable and milk are usually dislike by children. fever difficulties are likely to be encountered if food which are dislike by children are given when the child is hungry.

Children are easily influenced by parents attitudes towards food. parents should therefore be extra careful of note to express their likes as dislike in front of the children. Rather they should eat a variety of food and encourage the child to do the same. Food served to children should warm and not too hot not too cold.

Children usually have very high test sensitivity. They do not enjoy highly flavour foods. Only medley flavour food should be included in the diet.

Question  3;-) Identify the high risk factor in pregnancy and discuss their influence on the other outcome of pregnancy?

Ans:-) Risk factors in pregnancy are as follow:

Repeated pregnancy:-)
An average woman in India goes through the cycle of pregnancy and lactation a number of times. search multiple and repeated pregnancy and wisely affected the health of the women and child. The prevalence of anaemia is higher in this woman. the children born to women who had multiple pregnancy are also likely to be low birth weight.

Closely spaced birth:-
many women in our country have the next child when the older child is just about one year of age. The spacing for the gap between the two children therefore is very small. search close spacing of birth is harmful not only for the health of the mother but also for the child. Pregnancy and lactation or condition which impose additional nutritional status on the part of the mother. closely space deliveries do not provide enough time for the women to recover from the psychological stress caused by the previous pregnancy. 
Higher rate of infection:-
the rate of infection in pregnancy test to be high. They also suffer from diarrhoea malaria and hepatitis. In additional anaemia which is very common among them increasing that is of infection. infection can slow down fetal growth and may lead to stillbirth or low birth weight they are so seriously weaken the mother.

Heavy workload:-
Indian women even during pregnancy continue to press participate in agriculture labour in additional to household activities. in view of poverty more women from lower income group have to work as labours. the energy need of such women are there for higher. since this woman's subsist on indequip diets the weight gain during pregnancy is low and they have small children.

Smoking and alcohol consumption:-
smoking and alcohol consumption have delete resource effect particular on the weight offspring. the prevalence of low birth weight is women who are regular smoker is about twice that of non smokers.

Question 5:-). Which nutrients are particular importance during lactation? give the recommended dietary intake for these nutrients for the lactating mother.

Ans:-) lactation is the period following pregnancy when the movement nourishes a fully developed and rapidly growing baby with breast milk. Most of the nutrients required by the baby are supplied by the breast milk. in addition to energy the need of protein calcium vitamin A and vitamin C is considerable e high during lactation. the growing infant need sufficient amount of these bodybuilding and protective nutrients for rapid growth of tissues. The infant takes all these nutrients from mother milk. Hence the diet of the lactating women should contain plenty of these nutrients. 
In general the requirement for almost all nutrients increase during lactation. But the diet should provide more the following

  • Energy giving nutrients
  • Proteins
  • Calcium
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
Thedaily requirement of energy and protein during the first six months of lactation is comparatively much more than the next 6 months. While planning one should take this aspect into consideration. .
to provide an adequate well balance mail during lactation include at least one food items from each of the three food groups energy giving body building and regulatory or protective. energy protein calcium vitamin A and vitamin C is particulate high during lactation. Hands more the following foods
  • A maximum of cereals
  • Pulses and meat fish egg
  • Milk and milk product
  • Green leafy vegetable
  • Seasonal fruits
  • Nuts and oilseeds

Question 5):-. list the factor that affect the growth of microorganism and hence affect food spoilage. briefly discuss the common measure technique you would adopt to prevent the delay for the composition of food by microorganism..

Ans:-). some factors like temperature moisture affect the growth of microorganism action to enzymes and hence effort food spoilage
microbial growth enzymes action may be prevented by other decreasing or increasing the optimum temperature. Normally freezing and chilling are adapted for storing food at low temperature. Freezing process has killing effect and bacteria continue to die during storage. food can also be stored in refrigerator which has lower temperature however not for a long time. Hyva excessive heat as well as cold can causes deterioration of food. Excessive heat can destroy protein and vitamins and dry out food by removing moisture. Similarly excessive cold if not control during freezing breaks the cell was and membrans of food. search of food during throwing allows microorganism to get it and spoil the food.

Moisture and dryness:-
accessing moisture or dryness play a very significant role in maintaining optimal quality in store food when food are kept in water proof package like a plastic bag this motion get trapped inside and can support to growth of microorganism.

Air and oxygen:-
vitamins particularly a and c as well as food colour are flavoured gets destroyed when exposed to air and oxygen. Oxygen also help growth of mould. in packaged food effort is made to remove oxygen vaccum or by flossing the food containers with nitrogen for carbon dioxide in order to prevent such deterioration. yeah also dries up food items and dryness eaten can causes deterioration in some food as mentioned.

some vitamins particle Reebok lemon vitamin A vitamin C and many food colours are destroyed by light. sensitive food are of 10 protected from light by using container that keep light out for example dark colour bottles and glazed pottery used for keeping pickles.

all d Tori 18 factors like growth of microorganism destruction by insect action of food enzymes loss of labours effect of heat called oxygen light and moisture progress with time. The longer the time of the greater the destructive influence.

Technique to prevent the delay of decomposition food by microorganism:-

  • High temperature
  • Low temperature
  • Drying
  • Acids
  • Sugar and salt in high concentration
  • Smoke
  • Chemicals
Question 6):-. List the point you would keep in mind while selecting
1) fat and oils:

Ans;-1)ensure that fat and also bye are clean and free from the any solid particles that does and bad colours.
Use more of vegetables oils as compared to ghi since they are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acid.
Do not buy all fat loss from the market as they might be adulterated. .

Ensure that the fat Oil you bye have natural colour and flavour.

b) meet pottery and eggs

  1. select meet with is pinkish in colour and has almost no fat avoid dark red colour meat which has deposit of fat
  2. make sure that the meet you by does not have a strong flavour and any bad order in indication of word quality meet
  3. Always bi pop from government licence shop buying from an authorised shop is risky.
  4. While buying chicken and show that the skin is soft and. The breastbone Babu should ban isliye if you twist the being a should break and shoulder joint.
  5. Select female birds as they are juicy and less though.
  6. Bike Lene eggs and unbroken
  7. Before buying place the eggs in water. A fresh egg is sink in water select such eggs.


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