Prevent and treat PEM in village community
Protein energy malnutrition is the term given to a group of clinical condition which occur due to inadequate protein and calorie intake specially in children but is also observed as stars mission in adolscent and adult mostly lactating women specially during period of mine or other emergencies. PEM has serious consequences for the health of individual particle children and can result in death. PEM can be defined as a range of pathological condition arising from A deficiency of protein and energy and is commonly associated with infections. many disease result in adverse changes in the appearance and function of one or more body parts. For example a healthy person has clear eyes. but in a person with severe between A deficiency eyes lose their clarity and become muddy or cloudy. Clinical feature of PEM:- 1). Khwashiorker Kwashiorkor comes from an African word meaning displaced child to the illness of older infant who is denied breast milk when the...
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