How we monitoring growth?

We are aware that waiting is a usual essential tool of monitoring growth. Alternatives to use weight includes other anthropometric measures such as arm circumference or clinical sciences thinness. whatever be the method used it must be sensitive and specific enough to detect changes in growth and must be linked with appropriate interpretation and action. Oncet simple assessment tools is the growth chart. the essential features of a growth chart is a graph on which weight is plotted against a so that growth can be followed graphically in comparison with reference standards. Latus understand the growth chart.
Observation the growth chart:

  1. Won the extreme upper left hand side we see a box, where the child name sex father mother name is field.
  2. The growth chart has horizontal line going side to side and vertical lines grow up top to bottom. the vertical line represent the age of the child and horizontal line represent the weight. Along the y axis is the weight written in kg. 
  3. at the bottom of the chart are 5 steps each of which represent one year in the child life starting from 0 to 5 years. Is step is father subdivided into 12 lines which represent the twelve months of the year. The first works on the extreme left has a tick dark outline. This is for birth month and year of the child.

STEP-1): Determine correct age of child.
STEP-3): Plotting the weight accurately on the growth chart.
STEP-4): Interpreting the direction of the growth curve.


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