Vital static are government database that record the birth and death of individual within the government jurisdiction. these are statics on life worth that circle that's marriages and divorces.

The most common way of collecting information on this event is true civil registration and administrative system used by government to record with events which occurs in their population. effort to improve the quality of vital statistics will therefore be closely related to the development of civil registration system in countries. Its role in public health as a fellows:-

  • Vital statistics have to monitor the overall social economic development of the community country.
  • help the government policy and programme planning to plan for health services for reaching the general population and improving health related social economic condition.
  • they have to compare the health and nutritional status of people of two communities countries and also the same community country over a period of time.
  • knowledge on various beetle events during different five year plan period and census details has to program manager planner at administrators the impact of development programmes 
  • particulate their success over time.

  • It is useful for health program planning and policy makers.

  • Vital statics are also used for monitoring population growth through measure such as total fertility rates.


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